The Lighthouse Paddle

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The Lighthouse Paddle has been postponed the until further notice for logistical purposes

The dream for the paddle the coastline, in some shape or form, is still alive, and may be revived at a later stage. All energy will be channeled into smaller activations for the time being. 


Through adventure we aim to emphasise the need for mentoring of younger men in the masculine journey as well as to increase awareness about men being raised without good masculine leadership, or complete lack thereof, and the need for positive male role models in society. The main purpose is to call on Schools, Mentors, organisations, donors and passionate people to get involved and make a difference. 

Click here to 'Get Involved' NOW

Needs LIst


If you are an able and willing paddler, we are inviting you to join the current team to get the expedition live. We have broken the 3.5month expedition into 7x 14 day Stages and require a second paddler to fill the vacant seat in the boat and join one of the organisation founders in being the first tandem vessel to round SA from East to West. The planned start date is TBC. 

Applications Open. Click here


Do you want to appear as an official sponsor or partner for our adventure trip? 

We would love to meet with you and discuss the opportunities available. Click here to get in touch!

Accommodation LIst

As we journey the coastline, we will need accommodation to stay at. 

Our request for accommodation will be for up to 4 people (2x paddlers and 1-2 support drivers). 

Putting an exact date to our planning is difficult, as these are all weather dependant, so for each segment of 10 paddle days, we have added a possible 5 day weather delay. These are included in the timeframes below. 


Currently our programme is on hold. Accommodation programme to be updated once approach of activation is clear.