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ADVENTURE - The tool

The main purpose of the activations are to make noise/draw in people to join and build the movement, schools/organisations/mentors to sign up, and people to donate. This remains a key requirement to the vision and the mission of the organisation. 

We will use the heart of adventure as a main tool to achieve this. 

Click here to 'Get Involved' NOW

Current Adventure activations

A series of mini activations (never-done-before events), which will take place in various locations over the coming months. Adventure #1 - DONE

Adventure #2 - TBC

The coastline paddle is currently on hold until further notice. The dream for the paddle is still alive, and may be revived at a later stage in some shape or form

If you have a heart for the Lighthouse Bros vision, why not start your own adventurous activation and put your spirit to good use. 

We are calling on all able and willing to join in and hold hands by inspiring and drawing attention, the good kind.


First National Bank

Cheque Account


Branch code - 250 655

Reference: LHB Paddle + "your name"

PayFast / Visa

If you would like to make a payment via PayFast, VISA, MASTERCARD ETC, click the link above.


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